„Norweski model kształcenia językowego i prozdrowotnego szansą naszego rozwoju”

Szkolenie zostało zrealizowane w ramach projektu systemowego „Zagraniczna mobilność szkolnej kadry edukacyjnej w ramach projektów instytucjonalnych” realizowanego przez Fundację Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji w Warszawie współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską w ramach środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki.

wtorek, 7 stycznia 2014

Very fast presentation of the main road in Kochłowice

Some landskapes from Ruda Śląska - KOCHŁOWICE

The teaching staff of Polish Primary school (http://sp20.elsat.net.pl/) would like to take on a new challenge that is international cooperation with Norwegian teachers from Skjold Skule (https://www.vindafjord.kommune.no). The Polish participants of the project are teachers who are willing to enhance the teaching competence.
We feel motivated to learn the basics of English, the elements of Norwegian culture, the Norvegian education system and  teaching methods used in early school education and higher grades of primary school.
We expect the project will expand our methodological and pedagogic knowledge of how to teach particular school subjects as well as integrated curriculum.
We want to get to know new methods of working with talented students and students with special educational needs. We will get to know new ways of developing creativity and students’ talents (which has been very important as our school was granted a status “School that discovers talents”).
Besides, we would like to learn methods and scope of cooperation with parents, local society, culture institutes and ways of financing school activity in Norway.