Norwegian Day gave
us a great opportunity to share our new experiences and knowledge
concerning Norway and the history of Vikings with the youngest ones.
Po wysłuchaniu prezentacji uczniowie uczestniczyli w nietypowych zajęciach prowadzonych, na wzór norweski, metodą stacji – każda z nich pozwalała im poznać inne zagadnienie. Having attended the assembly and watched the presentation about Skjold Skule, our students had a chance to take part in unusual classes (following the example of Norwegian lessons) in which they worked in stations performing various activities at the same time.
The youngest students were supposed to use their creativity while building Viking ship with lego blocks, making a picture with geometric figures, doing a jigsaw puzzle and sewing on a button. Such practical classes are comon in Norwegian schools and they are a part of weekly timetable.
Older students also worked in stations they changed every fifteen minutes. The tasks they had to deal with were sewing on buttons, constructing Viking ship, playing chess and draughts, solving maths, logical tasks (Sudoku) and drawing a picture on the basis of a text written in English.
Na zakończenie odbyły się zajęcia sportowe na kochłowickich Plantach. Norwegowie przecież dużą wagę przywiązują do kształcenia dzieci w plenerze, w kontakcie z naturą i w poszanowaniu zdrowia swojego i innych.
At the end of the day, our pupils took part in sports activities outside school, in a park, imitating Norwegian system of educating students in the open air (regardless of the weather), in the bosom of nature, promoting every day health care.

Pragnęliśmy przekonać uczniów, że zajęcia mogą odbywać się w ciszy (bo zupełna cisza panuje w norweskich szkołach), a sport i spożywanie warzyw i owoców zamiast słodyczy są ważnym elementem zdrowego życia.
We wanted to teach our students that it is possible to work in silence in lessons (like in Norwegian schools) and that eating fruit and vegetables instead of sweets and doing sport are vital elements of healthy lifestyle.
To był bardzo udany dzień i ufamy, że zmieni on zachowania prozdrowotne naszych uczniów i jeszcze bardziej zachęci ich do nauki języka angielskiego oraz zainteresowania się kulturą krajów skandynawskich.
That day was a real fun and we stronlgy believe that it increased our students' interest in learning English as well as the culture of Scandinavian countries and it motivated them to take care of their health by having good eating habits and working out regularly.
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