„Norweski model kształcenia językowego i prozdrowotnego szansą naszego rozwoju”

Szkolenie zostało zrealizowane w ramach projektu systemowego „Zagraniczna mobilność szkolnej kadry edukacyjnej w ramach projektów instytucjonalnych” realizowanego przez Fundację Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji w Warszawie współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską w ramach środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki.

poniedziałek, 8 września 2014

Dear friends from Skjold Skule,

It’s been more than a week since our visit at your school but we still have vivid memories from those five days and every day we seize opportunities to share this experience with other Polish teachers and students. Once more we would like to thank you  for your warm welcome, time and work you devoted to organizing our stay at your school. Each day was filled with so many unique experiences and impressions we are very unlikely to forget. 
There were many aspects of your work that impressed us. We really enjoyed watching you having such peaceful and wholesome approach to your work duties, your colleagues and students. We noticed that you strive to  make sure that nobody at your school experiences any kind of discrimination because of  his cultural background, nationality, religion or lack of great talent and abilities. Peace, friendliness and tolerance are among the distinguishing features of your school that will stay in our memory. We still remember what you said about your school acitivity that although you realize that theoretical knowledge is important, there are certain qualities or values in life that cannot be measured by any types of  tests or  ranking and that’s the motto you try to follow, hopefully, one day it will be the motto of Polish schools as well. It was also very interesting to see how you promote healthy lifestyle among your students by taking them regularly to the forest, giving them big amount of freedom there and not allowing them to have sweets at school time (that’s something our students will not like, I guess J).              
And another thing we constantly tell our students and friends about is that all Norwegian teachers and students can speak fluent English. We hope it will be extra motivation for them to continue learning English and we even started to encourage them to watch more films and programmes in English (like you do) as it may be the key factor to succeed in learning the language.
It’s very difficult to describe all the conclusions we drew from our course at your school. There are many words unspoken but it’s what we feel in our hearts. We just hope you could see how much we enjoyed our visit. The landscape, fjords and the local cuisine made our stay even more enjoyable.
We wish you lots of success and satisfaction resulting from teaching.
We hope we will be able to continue our cooperation.

Your Polish friends,
Beata, Kasia, Basia, Asia and Iza

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